
Well, we've managed to secure much faster internet, no thanks to the bums at SaskTel, who provided us with an "accelerated dial-up" download, which was about as effective as the United States' "War on Drugs." My good old laptop has managed to find a wireless connection somewhere in the vicinity of Craven, Saskabush, so here's to progress!
Lily has been great with everyone so far on the trip: she's just as happy and giggly as ever, and she really likes it when Daddy pretends to sneeze. It's when he really sneezes that she's not a fan. What she has not been so great with thus far on the trip has been sleeping. For those who've been keeping score, she's been sleeping through the night for months now, occasionally waking up once, maybe twice in the middle of the night. However, these days, she is getting up three, four, even five times in an evening, last night being the worst of all at Pete and Carla's place. Mom and Dad are very tired and a little bit cranky... wait a second. No I'm not! You do it! Get off my back, stupidhead! Oops, sorry, a little bit got through there, won't happen again.
We've got some great updates for you folks here - the images of landscape are of the hill here in Craven and the view of Craven from the top of said hill. The photo of Lily and the puppy are when Lily visited her Grandmama (Mom's Mom) and met Pugsly. The four of us are featured here to. Since being here we've attended Ryelin's (my 6 year old nephew) Christmas concert, here Lily is featured with her 7 month old cousin, Olyvia. Lily has experience Saskatchewan snow and has made her own snow angel!
Now that Uncle Todd came over to the house tonight, Lily has now met all of her immediate uncles, aunts, and cousins, assuming there are no unaccounted for little ones running around there somewhere. She's also visited with both great-grandmas, met Andy Claus, my good friend Ryan, spent time with Pete and Carla and Pete's wonderful family (she got a new pair of Robeez and got all sorts of attention from Dan, Judy, and the gang).
Happy birthday wishes go out to cousin David, now 3 years old, and Christmas wishes to everyone. Our Christmas will include brunch with Great Grandma Szala tomorrow, along with a "midnight mass" at Grandma's church, where she sings. After church will be one present, one or more scotches, and on Christmas Day, we're playing host to the whole famn damily. We'll post more pics soon, enjoy this bunch!
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