This is a family site to share with friends and family the adventures of starting our family!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Tis the season for lots of family! This past week Lily and I stayed with Cora and Connie while Anthony finished at work so that he can start his three month leave this coming Wednesday. While we were at Con's I took the opportunity to lay the girls down to document the size difference! Cora is around six pounds while Lily weighed in at 15lbs 15oz at her Dr's on Thursday. That's right - Lily gained 8oz (1/2 pound) in seven days! The girl is growing! The photo of the little guy smiling at the tree is Joey, my older sister's youngest. There is also the classic family photo in front of the tree. As we're going to be out West for Christmas (we leave this Thursday) my family got together yesterday for our brunch and exchanging gifts. We were spoiled! My younger sister is a talented stainglass artist and she did up a beautiful Lily for us to hang, along with some maple wine that I'm looking forward to! My older sister has the ability to turn yard into heirlooms! She made Lily a pink stocking that we're going to use as well as a precious blanket. She hooked Mike and I up with some swanky scarves that'll keep us warm out West! My 9 year old nephew Johnny and 7 year old niece Katie know us well as they bought me a fun gold scarf, Mike a funky glowing toy and Lily an alphabet book (they made sure that Lily could eat it!). My parents spoiled me with a gift card to Black's and chocolate :-) Mike got a hockey bag and a Family Guy jersey with Stewie on the front proclaiming victory - very Mike :-) The photo of Papa 'attacking' 2 year old Whalen and 1 year old Joey with 3 year old David 'saving' them is classic. Cora was peaceful during the day as she just went from lap to lap to lap enjoying the love. Connis is beside herself as 0-3 month clothes is too big for Cora so she had to do a quick stop and pick up some premie clothes, and even them some of it is too big! It was chaos having 16 of us all together for lunch, but it was awesome for us all to be together! PPS
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