
This is a family site to share with friends and family the adventures of starting our family!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lily's First Week
Wow - Lily is one week old! What a great week it has been. She had her first bath at home on Sunday just before she had her first outing. We went to an outdoor BBQ and of course Lily stole the show! Here is our second family shot. Other great news is that Lily is gaining weight and is breastfeeding quite nicely! Last night she slept from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. - WOW - six hours! Of course I spent the first two hours watching her breathe (it's mesmerizing!) then was able to enjoy the four hours remaining. Mike had hockey last night, leaving me alone with Lily for just over two hours. I'm proud to say that we did amazing :-) Due to a great night Mike was able to enjoy 7 hours of sleep! A new record!

Lily's umbilical cord fell off yesterday, and it is with great pleasure that Mike announces that Pamela will not be using it on a scrapbook page! Her new bellybutton is unveiled here for all to see.

The language of new parents is unbelievable. First of all, the short term memory loss and loss of vocabulary are stunning. "Megan, do you have any.... what's the word I'm looking for? Straws?" True story. All conversations centre around breastfeeding, poopies, and wet diapers. Anything else just doesn't compute.

Outings -- she doesn't seem to like them very much. A couple of nights ago, we were sitting around, realizing we were hungry, realizing we didn't want to make anything, and realizing we had not really taken Lily out in the stroller. It was nearly 9:00, Subway was 15 minutes away, so we figured why not? So we went on our way, introduced Lily to our superintendent, and she was wonderful. Turn the corner, and she was ticked off! I thought the pleasant rumble of the sidewalk would calm her but it only seemed to infuriate her as she wasn't able to keep her thumb in her mouth!

And finally, her first doctor's appointment with Dr. Colledge. She's gaining weight (back up to 7 lbs. 14 oz., steady weight gain over the past three or four days), her hips appear to be fine (we weren't exactly sure why her hips were examined, but she didn't say anything was wrong with them!), and apparently she's shrunk to 19.5 inches. The Incredible Shrinking Woman!!!!!


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