
This is a family site to share with friends and family the adventures of starting our family!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

What a great weekend! Yesterday I facilitated my first Summer Revive! workshop. I had 35 youth that are going to school on Saturdays in June to get their cooperative education (co-op) hours in. They need to do co-op hours for four Saturdays then they have four weeks of on site training - paid! I had curriculum from last year that I spent about 15 hours after work this week to update then I had 7 in class hours yesterday with the teens. I've got about 5 hours of work to do on the curriculum this week then I have the teens next Saturday all the way up to June 21st. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to going back! Since I work on Saturdays until 3 that means I have to cram a lot of family time into Saturday afternoon and Sundays. This afternoon we went for a long family walk to the grocery store that is so not around the corner and listened as Lily identified buses (she lives to see buses! The days I pick her up and take her on the bus with me makes her day!) and then came home and hung out blowing bubbles (if Lily could blow bubbles and eat corn on a bus she'd be in heaven!)

This is a photo of Lily getting back from the walk. Although it was a balmy 16/17 outside Lily INSISTED that she wears 'GrandmaGrandma's" hat. Mike's grandmother (Grandmama) made them for Lily and she loves to wear the matching hat and sweater.

This is the result of someone's botched efforts to cut the bike cord that we used to lock up the bikes. Mike's theory was that since they were so close perhaps they were just trying to send us a message. We've since bought another bike lock.

Lily enjoys eating her Daddy's homemade calzones! (a pizza folded then cooked in half)

Lily is getting to learn how to regulate the breaths when she attempts to blow bubbles. She was successful in this picture - the bubble is the kidney shaped thing near the bottom of the photo!

Lily so does not enjoy it when i try to get a photo of the two of us :-)

I'm trying to get an arty photo of Lily blowing bubbles by using a bubble blower as a frame :-)

Our awesome kid - Lily!

'Cheese Mama' :-)

'Daddy's turn' Lily is all about equal opportunity :-)

It's hard to believe that only two months ago Lily was living with the shame of having a mullet!

Lily is so her father's daughter! She loves to garden and is getting rather good at evenly distributing the water amongst the flowers.

Enjoy your week! PPS


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