
This is a family site to share with friends and family the adventures of starting our family!

Monday, August 14, 2006

What a great week it has been! Lily is a great little person and we're really enjoying her company! We've had some great visitors over the past couple of days and have had a few outings! On Saturday night Lily and I went to Patricia's bachellorette party and had a great time. Of course Lily ate the entire time but that seems to be her routine.

Late last week Mike and I were running on skeleton sleep and by Friday we were pretty tired. It's as though Lily had radar - it's as though she said to herself, if I don't let my parents sleep they're not going to be able to provide for me! Friday night she slept from about midnight to 7 a.m.! Saturday she slept from about 1 a.m. to 8 and then last night she slept from about 1 a.m. to 7:30! Mike and I know not to get attached to this sleeping arrangement as it could be only be enough to get us re-energized, but wow has it been great! Of course the trade off is that Lily enjoys her feeding in the evening. From about 4-8 p.m. she snacks but then from about 8 p.m. to midnight she feeds constantly - but it's a fair trade!

Here are some photos of the past four days. The first one is of our friend Wendy (the woman that performed our wedding ceremony) and her daughter Anna visiting us on Thursday. Last night Daniel and Jennifer came for a visit (thanks for the dinner, scotch and cute outfits!).

Yesterday was the first day that we dressed Lily in pink. Yes, it took me 11 days to dress my daughter in pink, but I did it - and it didn't hurt too much. (FYI - my theory about my distain for the colour pink stems from the fact that I'm a redhead and wasn't able to wear pink and therefore haven't accepted it as a colour). I've also included a self-family portrait :-) And a photo of Mike and his baby :-) The single photo of Lily is when she was nine days old.

We've got quite the week coming up! We have Mike's playoffs for hockey on Tuesday and Wednesday. Patricia and Ruddy's wedding on Thursday then heading off up north for the weekend. Lily is going to meet some more of her cousins, and her Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Seabrook and hopefully her Great-Great Grandma Neelands!

Next week is moving week! We'll be packing on Wednesday and Thursday (a great big thank you to those who have volunteered to help!) and Friday August 25th is moving day! After then we'll be living in Beeton. Beeton is about 60 minutes north of Toronto. We'll be living with my parents for the upcoming months to help us to save up and to allow Mike to focus his energies on finishing up his PhD. We get to live within 30 minutes of both of my sisters (and their collective 6 1/2 children - my younger sister is due in December).

Enjoy the photos and we'll update soon! PPS


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